Sri M: Nirantar Safar (श्री. एम. : निरंतर सफर)Author/s: Sri M
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I started my autobiography Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master with the words ‘Let the journey begin’. The last chapter was titled ‘The journey continues’. So, completing the autobiography was not the end of the journey and now we begin another journey together into new vistas. A unique and, in many instances, an unbelievably strange journey. You may dismiss it as fiction or due to my unusually fertile imagination or just plain lies or conclude that I have finally gone bonkers. Be that as it may, if you find the journey interesting and contributing in some way to opening up your mind to newer ways of perception or even bringing up a thought like ‘yeah, perhaps there are more unknown vistas to which consciousness can expand than the so-called rational brain can think of’, I have done my job. Bear in mind friends, that the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction and some yogis have even called the solid world we swear by an illusion, a construct of the mind. There is no strict chronological order though. Each chapter is complete by itself and can be read independently. So dear reader, Sangacchadvam – Let’s walk together once more. Sri M
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