One morning in 2014, Ramrao Panchleniwar, an ordinary cotton grower in Maharashtra’s infamous Vidarbha region, consumed two bottles of pesticide in a bid to commit suicide. But he miraculously survived. In Ramrao, rural journalist Jaideep Hardikar attempts to put a face to India’s unending farm crisis with his story. He takes the reader on a journey of the everyday life of an Indian farmer, his daily struggles, his desperation to come out of his situation, his inability and many failings, the quagmire of issues he faces, and how he comes to a pass where he chooses to put an end to it all. The result of years of committed reportage, this is an evocative read that rescues an ordinary life from obscurity and turns it into an essential biography for our times.
Ramrao: The Story of India’s Farm CrisisAuthor/s: Jaideep Hardikar
One morning in 2014, Ramrao Panchleniwar, an ordinary cotton grower in Maharashtra's infamous Vidarbha region, consumed two bottles of pesticide in a bid to commit suicide. But he miraculously survived. In Ramrao, rural journalist Jaideep Hardikar attempts to put a face to India's unending farm crisis with his story. He takes the reader on a journey of the everyday life of an Indian farmer, his daily struggles, his desperation to come out of his situation, his inability and many failings, the quagmire of issues he faces, and how he comes to a pass where he chooses to put an end to it all. The result of years of committed reportage, this is an evocative read that rescues an ordinary life from obscurity and turns it into an essential biography for our times.Total Pages: 272
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Category: Non Fiction
Tag: Jaideep Hardikar
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