Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating third series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell!In Enchantia, Holly discovers a carousel of mythical creatures. They have been enchanted and trapped on the carousel by Wicked Fairy. She wants to capture the Silver Unicorn to complete her menagerie. Can Holly and the White Cat warn the unicorn in time? Or will he also be trapped on the carousel forever…
Holly and the Silver Unicorn (Magic Ballerina #14)Author/s: Darcey Bussell
Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating third series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell!In Enchantia, Holly discovers a carousel of mythical creatures. They have been enchanted and trapped on the carousel by Wicked Fairy. She wants to capture the Silver Unicorn to complete her menagerie. Can Holly and the White Cat warn the unicorn in time? Or will he also be trapped on the carousel forever…Total Pages: 96
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Category: Magic Ballerina
Tag: Darcey Bussell
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