Hema Malini, the quintessential ‘Dream Girl’of Hindi cinema, has truly nurtured a dream and followed it to its realization. After being unceremoniously dropped from her first Tamil film as the director felt that she didn’t have ‘star quality’, Hema signed the Hindi film she was offered opposite Raj Kapoor. Just eighteen, she soon conquered the hearts of all moviegoers with her beauty, grace and charisma. From Johnny Mera Naam to Sholay, from Meera to Baghbaan, she has portrayed a diverse range of characters that will always remain a part of film legend. Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Sanjeev Kumar . she worked with all the leading stars, but it was with Dharmendra that the chemistry on screen was palpable. The special bond she shared with Dharmendra set the rumour mills buzzing, and defying all conventions, Hema married her Jat hero in May 1980. Striking a perfect balance between her personal and professional life, Hema maintains a dignity about the little world she shares with daughters Esha and Ahana. This intimate portrayal, the first authorized biography, by Bhawana Somaaya is a result of her long years of association with Hema as a film journalist and critic. Hema speaks to Bhawana more candidly than ever before about her life, with and without Dharmendra, her children, her mother and her twin passions of dance and acting.
Hema Malini (हेमा मालिनी)Author/s: Bhawana Somaaya
Hema Malini, the quintessential 'Dream Girl'of Hindi cinema, has truly nurtured a dream and followed it to its realization. After being unceremoniously dropped from her first Tamil film as the director felt that she didn't have 'star quality', Hema signed the Hindi film she was offered opposite Raj Kapoor. Just eighteen, she soon conquered the hearts of all moviegoers with her beauty, grace and charisma. From Johnny Mera Naam to Sholay, from Meera to Baghbaan, she has portrayed a diverse range of characters that will always remain a part of film legend. Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Sanjeev Kumar . she worked with all the leading stars, but it was with Dharmendra that the chemistry on screen was palpable. The special bond she shared with Dharmendra set the rumour mills buzzing, and defying all conventions, Hema married her Jat hero in May 1980. Striking a perfect balance between her personal and professional life, Hema maintains a dignity about the little world she shares with daughters Esha and Ahana. This intimate portrayal, the first authorized biography, by Bhawana Somaaya is a result of her long years of association with Hema as a film journalist and critic. Hema speaks to Bhawana more candidly than ever before about her life, with and without Dharmendra, her children, her mother and her twin passions of dance and acting.Total Pages: 311
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Category: Autobiography/Biography
Tag: Bhawana Somaaya
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