After a bitter heartbreak, Dhruv Malhotra enters a prestigious Business school hoping for a fresh start. His carefree days of band performances, and partying are behind him. While he focuses on the future, the past still lingers in his mind. His life takes an interesting turn when he meets the bookish and enigmatic Ananya Sharma and feels surprisingly drawn to her. Amidst the hustle of campus life, their shared love for art, swapping songs and poems deepens their connection. As Dhruv navigates his feelings and new life, the sudden reappearance of the bold and mysterious Anisha, his ex-girlfriend reopens painful wounds. With persisting memories of similar music tastes and stunning social appearances there’s something about her that still keeps him hooked. Can Dhruv realize which road will lead to his true happiness? Is Ananya his soulmate and destiny?
Like a Summer SongAuthor/s: Simran Dudeja
After a bitter heartbreak, Dhruv Malhotra enters a prestigious Business school hoping for a fresh start. His carefree days of band performances, and partying are behind him. While he focuses on the future, the past still lingers in his mind. His life takes an interesting turn when he meets the bookish and enigmatic Ananya Sharma and feels surprisingly drawn to her. Amidst the hustle of campus life, their shared love for art, swapping songs and poems deepens their connection. As Dhruv navigates his feelings and new life, the sudden reappearance of the bold and mysterious Anisha, his ex-girlfriend reopens painful wounds. With persisting memories of similar music tastes and stunning social appearances there’s something about her that still keeps him hooked. Can Dhruv realize which road will lead to his true happiness? Is Ananya his soulmate and destiny?Total Pages: 228
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Category: Fiction
Tag: Simran Dudeja
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